Why decoupling from vibrations
Nowadays, most audiophiles are aware of the supporting materials influence on the musical reproduction. Reason for that is the resonance response that all gears such as amplifiers, CD players as well as D/A converters etc. are permitted to generate, causing coloration and masking of the musical reproduction in the frequency spectrum where the material and the coupling resonance appear.
With more than twenty years experience in high-end A/V rack manufacturing, including the award winning Rack of Silence and Radius rack, we developed the Solid Tech’s Hybrid. Precision made, dynamic and designed to accomodate the best and continuously changing A/V systems as well as making an impression visually in the interior context.

Detailed description of our Isolators
Solid Tech is manufacturing a series of isolators to be used under the equipment (IsoBlack, Feet of Silence and Disc of Silence), under floor standing speakers (Feet of Balance) or under your cables (Bridge of Concrete).

Detailed description of our Isolators
Hybrid rack series has been baptized to Hybrid because of its flexibility for modification as well as many different accessories and options. Accessories such as cable carrier and sideboad and options such as different wood alternatives and colors.